The bee's are here. Here, as in at the cabin. Tom spend 4 months in preparation for the Bee Day. He joined two Bee clubs and watched countless YouTube videos, as well as participating in endless hours of video-conferences. Just by being present within earshot of his computer speakers, I heard more about bee's than the common man knows. Heck, if I remembered everything I absorbed, I could possibly answer Bee Categories on Jeopardy.
Their front door. I need a little "welcome" sign made. |
I feel that our fashion statements during our introductions to more than 40,000 bees says it all. Tom was dressed in a white, hooded, zippered jacket with duct tape securing every nuke and cranny on his pant legs and gloves. And me,with my bee motif boots sitting as far away within ear shot of the bees and Tom with epipen ready and making a fire to create the calming smoke. ( that almost sounds illegal in Indiana!)
This outfit is way to claustrophobic for me! |
My job was keeper of the "smoke" maker and Epipen. |
I believe that bee-keeping is artsy, sciencey and earth huggy. I don't know if we will get a table spoon of honey out of this deal, but I sure know that we spent a chunk of change to have an adventure. Stay tuned!
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